Friday, February 2, 2018

LP 2 - Louis Braille Link

While searching for some decent information to include in my speech, I stumbled across this web page by I have learned from my time in High School that this web site is usually a pretty reliable source. The authors of this website use credible information, as well as appropriate citation information. This website is tied directly with A&E Television, who claims to strive for accuracy so it is apparent that they want their information to be correct. Moreover, the author is also unbiased. They state the facts like they are and do not put their own opinions in the articles. They also organize their articles in such a way that the information is easy to understand and read.

Finally, the date on this article is fairly recent. This articles was published on December 22, 2015. Because Louis Braille was born in 1809, it is rather unlikely that there is many articles that are fairly recent, or ones that have brand new information on Louis Braille. The information in this article seems to correspond with some other webpages I have covered as well, therefore leading me to believe that this information is accurate and not too old.

LP1 - Louis Braille

Louis Braille was a French inventor who, at the age of 3, injured one of his eyes with a sharp tool while playing in his father's shop. This caused him to go blind in one eye, and the blindness slowly spread into the other eye. Louis Braille, after studying at the Institute for the Blind Youth in Paris,  later invented a complete code to recreate the alphabet to allow the blind and visually impaired read.

For my speech, I will inform my audience about who Louis Braille is, and why he is important as an inventor.

"Louis Braille's invention of the Braille Code was a revolutionary change to the world, as it allowed the blind and visually impaired to read."